< Previous50 Food & Drink International www.fdiforum.net FoodandDrinkInternational@fdiforum company/fdiforum Once more Food & Drink International provides your ultimate guide to the industry – making sure you’re informed on what’s going on and looking closer at what’s happening. Don’t forget to keep up to date via www.fdiforum.net! Diary Food & Drink Stay in touch with Food & Drink International For more up to the minute information from the food and drink industry, visit Food & Drink International online at www.fdiforum.net. Keep up to date with Food & Drink International, and let us know what you think, by following us on Twitter at @fdiforum, at www.facebook.com/FoodandDrink International or by searching for fdiforum on LinkedIn. March 4 - 6, CFIA Rennes, Rennes, France 8 - 10, Food Expo Greece, Athens, Greece 11 - 14, Propak Africa 2025, Johannesburg, South Africa 13 - 14, Future Food-Tech, San Francisco, USA 17 - 19, Food, Drink & Hospitality Week, London, UK 25 - 26, IntraLogisteX, Birmingham, UK April 1 - 3, Labelexpo Mexico, Guadalajara, Mexico 3, Smart Manufacturing Food & Beverage, Chicago, USA 7 - 9, Foodex Manufacturing Solutions, Birmingham, UK Online this month… www.fdiforum.net is the best place to go for up-to-date food and drink industry news. Here’s a sneak peek at one of our latest stories. Global Brands becomes official UK distributor for Cardi B’s Whipshots Global Brands, the independent drinks company behind brands such as VK, Hooch and Franklin & Sons, has been chosen as the official UK distributor of Whipshots, ahead of its launch into the UK market. Founded by Grammy Award-winning US rapper artist and hip-hop mogul Cardi B, Whipshots is a vodka-infused whipped cream. Having already experienced a successful launch in the US, where it has sold over 6m cans, Whipshots is now set to launch into the UK market… Ƶ͘ŽĐ͘ agingpackekit 2,50 Stock prod ŬƵ 00+ ucts online 50,00 Reviews Trust 00+ Score 4.7/5 r bouor yf aackP esssinbu aging t & aded matHea NEW echnologyanced thermal tv , Kee Als •I •N • t ĞĂƚĞĚĂŶƟͲĨĂƟŐƵ ep warm and save on energy cost ZĞĚƵĐĞďŽĚLJĨĂƟŐƵĞ Perfect for warehouses, workshops, soavailableintherange: nfrared technology delivers targeted w No exposed elements, steel frame, and tŽƌŬƐŝŶͲϮϱȗƚŽϰϬȗ͕ĂŶĚƐƵƉƉŽƌƚƐϭ ĞŵĂƚƐ ts , etc. warmth d high-visibility edges ϭϱϬŬŐ Thermal im e erfanst tre of heamag Findoutmor Als wnlDo powered by employee share-ownersh Premium mat Double foam layer &Ž so available in the range: Ɛ loadour Ŷ hip Rubber ŽƌĚƌLJΘǁĞƚĐŽŶĚŝƟŽŶ eganr full ro see out odean QR cSc eFindoutmor o.ukaging.caekitpack 02476 420065 e shayemploy ed brewepo app t rshipwne-oare y!odat စထထ ႅဈဈငစဉထဓဇဒဇထဒဒ $ %&'()( *+& *&'()( *+&Advanced Engineering MIDDLETON LTD Inline High Shear Mixer Top Entry High Shear Immersion Mixer Bottom Entry High Shear Mixer Sealed Bearing Mixer 3 Stage High Shear Mixer Dispersion Mixer Fluid Mixers AdPro Trent Industrial Estate | Duchess Street | Shaw | Lancs | OL2 7UT | UK t: +44 (0)1706 759003 | e: info@aemixers.com | w: www.aemixers.com mixing is our businessNext >