< Previousover 500 companies and 1,500+ attendees in a single location, allowing them to meet one-on-one to discuss current and future business opportunities. The focus of this event is networking and getting business done. The average attendee will have 40+ private business meetings that will lay the foundation for their year. If you operate in the frozen food supply chain, AFFI-CON is business imperative. Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Expo 27 - 28 February London, UK Customers want faster delivery times and an easier return system. In order to deliver this, retailers need to adapt their supply chain, and have a seamless warehousing and distribution system. The Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Expo provides a hub to help businesses meet these expectations and stay ahead in this demanding industry. The Source Trade Show 6 - 7 February Exeter, UK The 2024 Source Trade Show provides the perfect mix of passionate producers, alongside the hottest hospitality and catering companies, and the freshest food service. Gulfood 19 - 23 February Dubai, UAE Give your business the strongest start to 2024 at Gulfood, the one place where the world gathers annually to source from an unrivalled F&B product showcase, handpicked from every corner of the globe. AFFI-CON 24 - 27 February San Diego, USA AFFI-CON is the premier business event for frozen food and beverage makers, industry suppliers and logistical partners. It brings together 50 Food & Drink International www.fdiforum.net Events Food & Drink © stock.adobe.com/visoot Packaging Innovations & Empack 21 - 22 February Birmingham, UK Packaging Innovations & Empack is the UK’s essential annual event driving business and innovation across the whole packaging journey from primary packaging, secondary packaging, contract packing and fulfilment, labelling and printing and packing and processing technology. Future Food-Tech 21 - 22 March San Francisco, USA Future Food-Tech returns as the go-to meeting place for the food-tech © stock.adobe.com/monticelllloFRUIT LOGISTICA 7 - 9 February Berlin, Germany FRUIT LOGISTICA is the world’s most important trade fair for the fresh produce industry and its direct access to the global market. At FRUIT LOGISTICA you can find the complete range of products, services and technical solutions from every part of the value chain - whether in seed, fruit and vegetable development or packaging and automation. The fair covers the entire spectrum of the value chain - from the producer to the consumer. Food & Drink International 51 www.fdiforum.net © stock.adobe.com/KOTO IntraLogisteX 19 - 20 March Birmingham, UK IntraLogisteX is the industry showcase for warehouse and logistics management solutions, expertly curated to help you stay one step ahead in a competitive global marketplace, whilst connecting with industry leaders and innovators to gain insights that will move your business forward. Featuring more than 350 exhibitors, 60 conference sessions and 8,000 attendees from across the industry, IntraLogisteX is a multi- experience event expertly curated to help you stay one step ahead in a competitive global marketplace. industry to collaborate towards a healthier food system for people and planet. Over 1,700 food-tech leaders, from CPG brands, retailers, ingredient providers, investors and start-ups will gather to discuss the most pressing challenges facing the sector, explore breakthrough technologies, and forge the right partnerships to bring these solutions to market. IFE 25 - 27 March London, UK Attend the UK’s largest and most successful event for product sourcing for buyers from across the retail, foodservice, hospitality, wholesale, distribution, import and export sectors. With over 40 years heritage of delivering high quality & effective business connections, uncover new business opportunities, sample innovative products, and learn the latest trends from industry trailblazers. FEATURES Software Spotlight Labelling, Coding & Marking Sieves & Separators Flavouring & Colouring Water Treatment Meat, Poultry & Seafood Import & Export EVENT PREVIEWS IFE Anuga FoodTec Next month in March 2024 - Deadline 14th February INTERNATIONAL Visit us at www.fdiforum.net where you’ll find the latest news as it breaks – and why not subscribe to our newsletters so you can have the latest news emailed to your inbox, in between printed issues?Classified You can feature your company in our hugely popular Online Directory with a description, contact details and a hyperlink If you would like further information please contact Vicky Hunt on +44 [0] 1472 310310 or email v.hunt@blmgroup.co.uk or visit www.fdiforum.net/directory From field to fork, Food & Drink International is the voice of the industry. Food & Drink International 53 www.fdiforum.net Depositors Manufacturers of depositors & filling machines for the food production industry Labels • Self adhesive Labels • Lasersheets • Fanfolded Labels • Thermal Transfer Ribbons • Barcode Labels INDEX Online Directory Depositors Labels To Let www. fdiforum .net • Superb Location • Secure off street parking • High speed internet availability • A range of affordable office sizes Armstrong House, Armstrong Street, Grimsby DN31 2QE Tel: (01472) 310301 Email: s.fisher@blmgroup.co.uk Ground floor offices to let - prime location in Grimsby To Let Online Directory To advertise your services on the 54 Food & Drink International www.fdiforum.net FoodandDrinkInternational@fdiforum company/fdiforum Once more Food & Drink International provides your ultimate guide to the industry – making sure you’re informed on what’s going on and looking closer at what’s happening. Don’t forget to keep up to date via www.fdiforum.net! Online this month… www.fdiforum.net is the best place to go for up-to-date food and drink industry news. Here’s a sneak peek at one of our latest stories. Consolidation in plant-based food industry expected to continue with cost-of-living crisis driving consumer habits Consolidation in the plant-based food industry is expected to continue to increase as consumer habits are being driven by the cost-of-living crisis, according to new findings from a report conducted by Opinium, on behalf of UK & Ireland law firm Browne Jacobson. Companies now more than ever need to have a strategy to expand market share, innovate and diversify product portfolios. Key findings of the report include: * Almost two fifths of UK adults are put off buying plant-based products due to the cost. * 54% of adults consider plant-based products more expensive than animal products. * One in four (25%) UK adults feel there are fewer options for plant-based products in supermarkets this year compared to last year. Just over two fifths of those who are vegan (43%) agree and feel there are fewer plant-based options. In the context of a slowdown in merger & acquisition activity amongst food & drink manufacturers, thought to be because of economic uncertainty, geo-political instability, and rising inflation, companies will need to have a strategy to expand market share and diversify product portfolios as well as investing in innovative technologies as digital and automated businesses offer higher productivity levels and are less impacted by persistent labour shortages… Diary Food & Drink Stay in touch with Food & Drink International For more up to the minute information from the food and drink industry, visit Food & Drink International online at www.fdiforum.net. Keep up to date with Food & Drink International, and let us know what you think, by following us on Twitter at @fdiforum, at www.facebook.com/FoodandDrink International or by searching for fdiforum on LinkedIn. February 6 - 7, The Source Trade Show, Exeter, UK 7 - 9, FRUIT LOGISTICA, Berlin, Germany 19 - 23, Gulfood, Dubai, UAE 21 - 22, Packaging Innovations & Empack, Birmingham, UK 24 - 27, AFFI-CON, San Diego, USA 27 - 28, Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Expo, London, UK March 19 - 20, IntraLogisteX, Birmingham, UK 21 - 22, Future Food-Tech, San Francisco, USA 25 - 27, IFE, London, UK7+(+20(2)9,6&286 3803,1*62/87,216 ᅚ+RQH\ ᅚ3HWUROHXP-HOO\ ᅚ0DVFDUD ᅚ6DXFHV ᅚ/DQROLQ ᅚ/LS*ORVV ᅚ(VVHQFHV ᅚ(\H2LQWPHQW ᅚ0HDW3DVWH ᅚ3DUDIILQ:D[ 7 (VDOHV#NHFROFRXN :ZZZNHFROFRXN ᅚ)DFH6FUXE ᅚ7HHWKLQJ*HO ᅚ7RPDWR3XUHH ᅚ0HGLFDO$GKHVLYHV ᅚ9HWHULQDU\&UHDPV ᅚ)UXLW3DVWH ᅚ7RRWKSDVWH ᅚ0DOW ᅚ-DP ᅚ:D[ .HFROKDYHRYHU\HDUVRI H[SHULHQFHLQKDQGOLQJDOOW\SHV RIYLVFRXVSURGXFWVLQWKHIRRG SKDUPDFHXWLFDODQGFRVPHWLFV PDUNHWVDVZHOODVJHQHUDO LQGXVWULDODSSOLFDWLRQV $VDPSOHRISURGXFWVZHDOUHDG\SXPSƁ 25-27 MARCH 2024 EXCEL, LONDON, UK Visit us on Stand 331Next >